All the essentials you need to know on how to get from Jelsa to Hvar town by bus. Including where to find the bus, schedules, the cost, PLUS some bonus tips on the best things to do in Jelsa.

How to get from Jelsa to Hvar town pin with image overlooking Jelsa

The town of Jelsa is one of the most picturesque spots on the entire island of Hvar. Possibly in all of Croatia. It is charmingly small, shockingly beautiful and has the cutest little “city” centre. On top of that, the pizza is delicious and the ice cream is to die for. What else could you ask for?

If Jelsa has made its way onto your itinerary, then chances are you are spending some time in Hvar town as well. As the biggest city on Hvar island and one of the most hot spots to visit in Croatia, it is an easy assumption.

Whether Hvar town is the next stop on your itinerary or you are simply taking a day trip to Jelsa, here is exactly how to get from Jelsa to Hvar town.

If you are visiting Croatia you may also want to check out the beautiful city of Omis. Read about one of the best things to do there: How to hike the Omis Fortress Hike (Starigrad Fortress)

Golden hour overlooking Jelsa, Croatia

How to Get From Jelsa to Hvar Town

There are two ways to get from Jelsa to Hvar town. Both are super easy! The first and most obvious is to drive if you intend on renting a car. And the second, and just as easy of an option, is to take the bus.

There is a direct bus that runs from Jelsa to Hvar town that does not require any transfers. The bus schedule for the peak season (around the summer months) can be found here.

The buses run very roughly once every hour (although the schedule is somewhat erratic) starting at 6:40am. The last bus leaves Jelsa at 21:45. The bus ride takes about 45 minutes to get from Jelsa to Hvar town. Don’t be fooled by the bus schedule saying it will only take 25 minutes. It definitely takes at least 45 and sometimes slightly more depending on how many stops/delays. It is good to keep this in mind if you are on a tight schedule.

If you are visiting during the off season there will be only 3 bus times running. One early morning, mid morning and then in the afternoon. You can check the time that the bus is leaving on the timetable posted at the bus station.

The buses are nice, comfy and have air conditioning. Plus the views you’ll see along the way are incredible and offer more of a glimpse into the islands natural beauty.

Where to Catch the Bus From Jelsa to Hvar Town

The bus station can be found right at the entrance to the town and a short walk from the town’s centre. However, it does not immediately stand out as a bus station. You can find it on google maps located here.

You will know you are in the right place if you see a row of parking spots that are super long, as they are reserved for the buses. There is also usually 1 other bus parked there and a sign posted on the wall that shows the bus times for each of the different destinations.

Bocic beach in Jelsa, Croatia

Which Bus to Catch to Get From Jelsa to Hvar Town

In order to catch the bus from Jelsa to Hvar town, you will have to look out for a sign at the front of the bus. There do not appear to be any numbers assigned to the different bus routes. My advice is to know what time your bus is scheduled to arrive at your stop in Jelsa and when one shows up close to that time go take a closer look. There is usually a sign in the front window with “Hvar town” written on it. However, when I took this bus the sign was not super obvious. In this case, you can simply ask the bus driver if it is going to Hvar town. In our case, he confirmed that it was.

It is also good to note that the bus might not actually drive right up into the parking spaces. The bus station has a tight amount of space and a lot of vehicles driving through it. As a result, the bus will often just pull up in front of the station (but still on the road). When you see it stop, you can walk over to it and get on. There will likely be other people getting on the bus at the same time as you so you can also follow other people’s lead.

Where to Buy Tickets and the Cost to Get From Jelsa to Hvar Town

You can buy tickets for the bus ride directly on the bus with the driver. You will need cash and like most buses, smaller denomination bills are always better. Especially if you want to get proper change back.

The cost of a one way bus ticket from Jelsa to Hvar town is 33 kuna (or 66 kuna roundtrip).

Posing with beautiful Jelsa waterfront

Other Useful Things to Know About Bussing From Jelsa to Hvar Town

  • The buses have air conditioning, which is a huge relief if you are traveling in the blistering summer heat.
  • The bus makes several stops along the way to Hvar town. This can cause some delays if there are a lot of stops along the way so make sure to budget extra time for this.
  • The ride can be a little nerve-wracking at times. Especially if you are scared of heights. There are portions of the journey with winding downhill roads with a mountain on one side and a drop off on the other. There are guard rails of course, but if you get nervous with this sort of thing it is good to be mentally prepared.
  • The bus will let you off in a parking lot just outside the entrance to the main centre of Hvar town. This is where you can catch the buses to go to Jelsa as well.

Bonus Tips: 5 Great Things to Do in Jelsa

1. Swim at the Bočić beach

For such a small town, Jelsa has many beaches and swimming spots to choose from. My personal favourite and one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever been to was Bočić beach. It is just a 5 minute walk from the city centre but is located in a spot where you can enjoy amazing views of Jelsa while swimming in the crystal clear water.

There is a dock like platform that you can jump off into the deep water or you can use the smaller spot off to the side that lets you walk out. There is a small changing area and lots of shade under the trees nearby.

On a hot summer day in Jelsa, this is the perfect activity to get some amazing views while staying sane in the heat.

2. Cool Off with Ice Cream from the Jelsa Gelateria

Besides taking a dip in the ocean, another great way to cool off is by getting ice cream. And there’s no better place to do so in Jelsa than the Jelsa Gelateria. They have a ton of unique and delicious flavours and the ice cream is to die for. You’ll see everyone walking around with an ice cream cone in hand during the summer.

Pro tip: try the lavender flavoured ice cream. Hvar island is known for its abundance of sweet smelling lavender fields.

3. Stroll the Town and Wander Jelsa’s Adorable Streets

One of the best things to do in Jelsa is to wander its streets. The town is really small so this won’t take very long. You can easily get a feel for the entire town in a single afternoon. The streets are wonderful and there are tons of great spots to take photos that capture Jelsa’s charm.

4. Eat Delicious Pizza at the Restaurant Pizzeria Jelsa

The best Pizza in Jelsa

Out of all the pizza I ate in Croatia, Jelsa’s Restaurant Pizzeria had the best! The food is delicious and reasonably priced for Croatia’s tourist prices. The patio is also conveniently located right in the heart of Jelsa’s “downtown,” so you can enjoy views of the harbour and the cute twinkling lights in the evenings.

5. Take a Boat Cruise to Neighbouring Island, Brac

If you are staying in Jelsa for a few days, a great activity to occupy some time is to take a boat cruise to Brac. The neighbouring island to Hvar, Brac is known for being gorgeous and adventure filled. It has amazing beaches and fantastic hiking as well.

In the Jelsa town centre, you’ll find signs advertising different boat tours and the trips to Brac are amongst the most common to find.

Final Thoughts on How to Get from Jelsa to Hvar Town This Summer:

While the easiest way to get from Jelsa to Hvar town is by car, it is not always the best option for everybody. A rental car certainly was out of my budget. For a small island, Hvar’s public transportation is actually quite good and you can easily catch a bus from Jelsa to Hvar town. It is the cheapest and a really easy way to travel around the island. With the information from this post you’ll be all set to have an amazing and hassle-free time on Hvar.

Happy adventuring!

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